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Group Visit

Group Visit Request
About Your Group
Please select the answer that best describes your group:
Please select the answer that best describes your group:
Student grade levels (check all that apply):
Student grade levels (check all that apply):

What level of knowledge do the students have of the overall college process? (Scale of 1-5: 1 being completely unfamiliar, 5 being very familiar!)

What level of knowledge do the students have of the overall college process? (Scale of 1-5: 1 being completely unfamiliar, 5 being very familiar!)

What level of knowledge do the students have of the University of Rochester? (Scale of 1-5: 1 being completely unfamiliar, 5 being very familiar!)

What level of knowledge do the students have of the University of Rochester? (Scale of 1-5: 1 being completely unfamiliar, 5 being very familiar!)

Agenda- Visit Options
If you are interested in highlighting specific topics during your information session, you can choose any of the options below.
Contact Information
Group Leader
Visit Date
Due to the large number of visitors we already receive, as well as a full recruitment calendar, our office is unable to accommodate group visits in April. In addition, we do not offer group visits on the weekends. A minimum of three weeks' notice is required.
Policies and Acknowledgements
  • I understand that my visit is not confirmed until I am sent the confirmation email.
  • I understand that if my group is running late, the University of Rochester is not obligated to accommodate the originally scheduled agenda. If an unforeseen incident delays our visit, I will notify the Office of Admissions immediately at (585) 275-3221.
  • I understand that my group should arrive on campus 15–20 minutes prior to our scheduled visit to allow for parking and check-in.
  • I understand that large tour groups are often separated into smaller groups to ensure the best experience. I will provide one chaperone per 15 students. I understand that the University of Rochester reserves the right to cancel tours if my group arrives without the required amount of chaperones.
  • I understand that it is the chaperone’s responsibility to ensure that students on tour refrain from excessive talking or lagging behind, behaviors that negatively affect the experience of a campus tour. Tour guides and chaperones have the right to cancel or stop tours that are being affected by negative behavior. We also reserve the right to deny future visits based on the chaperone’s inability to help encourage behavior conducive to a productive tour.
  • I understand that if I need to cancel, I must start the cancellation process at least (2) business days prior to the visit date.
Please email or call (585) 275-7255 to cancel or ask any questions about your visit.

First-time Users

Create/Activate Account

Note: To protect the privacy and security of your application, you must register your email address. Once created, you may access your account at any time, using your registered email and self-selected password.

Let’s keep in touch

Connect with us on social media and check out our blog for advice, reminders, and updates.

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