Virtual Office Hours
We’re excited to welcome you to our university community. This page is designed to connect you with current students who can offer valuable insights, share their experiences, and answer any questions you might have as you prepare to join us.
During these virtual office hours, you’ll have the opportunity to speak with current students who are eager to help you learn more about life on campus, the academic experience, and what to expect as you begin your journey here. Whether you have questions about student life, academics, or simply want to hear firsthand experiences, we’re here to support you every step of the way.
Learn more about other Yellowjacket Experience events here: Yellowjacket Experience

Hi, I'm Hannah Rickert, '25 (She/Her)!
Major: Biomedical Engineering
Minor: Cognitive Psychology
I am the former president of Society of Women Engineers and Engineers Without Borders, where I led a water chlorination project in the Dominican Republic. I’ve been a TA in the BME and Chemistry departments and assist students in a transition program working towards their GED. I have done neuroimaging research at the medical center since my freshman fall. I am a tour guide for campus and engineering tours, in the Medallion Leadership Society, the Grand Challenges Scholars Program, and on the club field hockey team.
Select a date and an available time to schedule a virtual chat with me.

Hi, I'm Dingxiang Lin, '26 (He/Him)!
Majors: Business - Entrepreneurship and Japanese
Minor: Legal Studies
I'm originally from Shanghai, China, and spent three years of my childhood in Toronto, Canada. I love traveling and experiencing different cultures. Around Rochester, I enjoy blowing glass at Corning and snowboarding. At school, I enjoy helping my peers learn and grow. I also make an impact in the local community through an internship with the City of Rochester.
Select a date and an available time to schedule a virtual chat with me.

Hi, I'm Noel Girmay, '26 (He/Him)!
Major: Business - Finance
I’m a third-year from Maryland, serving as VP of PASA, Publicity Chair of MBA, and a TA in the economics department. I’m passionate about fintech, VC, streetwear, and community engagement. Outside of that, I love exploring nature—whether through hiking, skiing, or swimming, depending on the season.
Select a date and an available time to schedule a virtual chat with me.

Hi, I'm Lillian Ravikoff, '25 (She/Her)!
Majors: Brain and Cognitive Sciences and Linguistics
Minor: American Sign Language
I am from NYC and a current senior at UR. Outside of the classroom I'm involved with Hillel, club figure skating, club field hockey, and the ASL club. Currently, I am volunteering in the GI clinic at the hospital and at a crisis nursery in the city of Rochester. I also do research in the Department of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics.
Select a date and an available time to schedule a virtual chat with me.
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